Featured Services

Southern Blot Analysis
(Analysis of Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders, including C9orf72 in ALS, FXS, DM1, HD)
Service also includes: Southern blot probe design and screening; ES cell positive clone screening; verification of gene targeting and gene integration; detection of gene translocation and hypermutaion.

cDNA cloning and site-directed mutagenesis
Specialized in construction and mutagenesis of large size (>10kb) vector

Mouse genotyping
>99% accuracy. Any mouse tissue is accepted. Result is available within 48-72 hr. Original gel images are included in each report.
” Thank you very much for the analysis, I couldn’t be more satisfied with the results and quick and efficient service.”
A researcher from UT Southwestern Medical Center
“Good work and fast turn around time”
A scientist from MRC National Institute
for Medical Research
“There are vendors of similar type/quality capable of providing genotyping service, but this is the most cost efficient with the best results.”
A lab manager from DUKE University Medical Center