Western Blot Analysis
With the experiences of performing thousands of Western blot analysis, we will deliver the publishable Western blot image in a short turnaround time.
Our Western Blot Analysis package includes:
Total protein extraction from tissues, cultured cells and cellular compartments
Screening and opimizing detection conditions for primary antibody
Quantitative analysis of final results
Typical image of our Western blot result:

How do I collect my samples?
Samples should be snap frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -80 degree before shipping.
How do I ship samples to you if I am from outside of North Carolina?
You should ship your samples in Eppendorf tubes with dry ice (>5 lb). We provide free sample pickup for customers from Research Triangle Area in North Carolina.
Do I need to provide antibodies?
You only need to provide primary antibodies to your target protein and housekeeping controls.
What kind of quantitative data you will provide?
We will analyze the band density of your target protein normalized with housekeeping controls.
Please contact us to request our Western Blot analysis service or fill out Western Blot Quotation Form.